Paying for the expenses you anticipate in the next few years requires a cautious plan. You should focus on minimizing the risk to your assets and preserving your wealth. Make sure the money you’ll need a in the near future is both secure and accessible.
Common short-term goals:
Buying a car
Making a down payment on a home
Taking a vacation
Returning to school for extra education and degrees
Getting married
Establishing your own business
Paying off credit cards, student loans and other debts
Possible investments for achieving short-term goals:
Savings accounts
Money market accounts
U.S. Treasury bills
Short-term bonds or short-term bond funds
Mid-term goals
Think about the next ten years, concentrating on what you hope to accomplish and the expenses you anticipate these goals will cost. Planning for mid-term goals means carefully balancing investment growth and financial security.
Common mid-term goals:
Paying for children’s education
Purchasing a larger home
Buying a second home or vacation home
Buying a boat or recreational vehicle